BBC Somerset Radio Interview 20/09/14

Today I went on the Charlie Taylor show on BBC Somerset radio to give an update on my wait for a liver transplant. I have been on the show twice before and will be regularly featured (every two months or so) to talk about life on the list so listeners will be able to hear what … More BBC Somerset Radio Interview 20/09/14

Long time no blog!

I have been absolutely terrible at keeping this blog up to date over the past few months. I’d like to tell you there’s a really good reason for my lack of blogging but the truth is I’ve just had zero motivation. I’m finding it very hard to do anything productive at the moment. My brain … More Long time no blog!

April into May.

The past few weeks have been full of highs and lows. It started off with the London Marathon. As most of you will probably know, my boyfriend, Josh ran the marathon for PSC Support on April 13th. It was such a good day. Some of mine and Josh’s family met up with a few other … More April into May.

I’m allowed a little moan now and again aren’t I?

Wednesday 26th Feb 2pm – I am sat writing this from a medical assessment ward where I am waiting to see if the latest tablets I have been prescribed are going to provide me with any lovely side effects. These new tablets are (hopefully) to relieve the uncontrollable and constant itching I am currently experiencing, … More I’m allowed a little moan now and again aren’t I?

‘Tis the season!

It’s been a little while since my last post, mainly because I was completely wiped out by a fluey type cold thing for a week or so. Chronic liver disease + a cold = HELL. Considering I feel like I have flu most of the time anyway, an extra dollop of flu type symptoms and … More ‘Tis the season!